The Gaar House Museum

Gaar Mansion

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The Abram Gaar House and Farm or known as the Gaar Mansion is a Second Empire Victorian home located in Richmond, Indiana, built in 1876 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The home was built by industrialist Abram Gaar, president of Gaar-Scott and Company, manufacturers of steam engines and threshing machines from 1842-1911. Total construction cost of the home was $20,000 it took eight months to build. The house is situated on a rise overlooking the city of Richmond from the north. Gaar hired John A. Hasecoster, the area's leading architect of the day to design the house and his original plans drawn on linen sheets are on display at the house today.

 Heritage Days 2012
Madison, IN 10-11
Gaar-Scott Steam Engines
Off to Ohio Reunion
Model T
Gaar House by Jim Johnson
Oldenburg firemen’s festival

Miscellaneous photo's of the Gaar House and grounds may be viewed by clicking on the link at the left.



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